Devin Kelley

About Me

So the website template suggests a biographical section.  This is a weird thing to me since I do not see much value in my own credentials.  Officially, my name is Devin Kelley. I am an ISSA Certified Personal Trainer.  I have held numerous other credentials of a similar nature-none any better than the other.  This lays the foundation of why I feel a little jaded towards the fitness industry as a whole.  The fitness industry is largely a whole buncha’ bulls$it.  

in reality, my name is Devin Kelley and I have a Bachelor of Arts in English. Ha…haha. However! And hear me out…. What I have done is spent the past 20 years underneath a barbell.  During that time I have been relentless in studying training philosophy and applying accordingly…which is another way of saying I’ve read a whole lot of stuff and made a whole lot of mistakes.  A lot.  My joints hurt.  I’ve taken some damage.  Like any reasonable man, that damage has lead to some degree of wisdom and that’s what I’m here to share.  

-On a less related note-

Likes include (but not limited to):

Dogs, Bourbon, LOTR and anything involving world history, physics, space stuff, Calvin & Hobbes and anything produced by the YouTube channel CasualGeographic. I’m serious, it’s awesome.  

Dislikes include (but not limited to)

When people don’t like dogs or bourbon or anything involving world history, physics, space stuff, Calvin & Hobbes and CasualGeographic. Ha. Kidding. Sort of.